サイクリング シエラレオネ: 子供、雨や泥のビデオで

This was a bad time for travelling in Sierra Leone, right in the rainy season. Winds and storms can be violent and last long. This video of the 676 kilometers cycled thus features a lot of water, mostly on the eastern roads, which are not tarred. But also Tiwai island, the hectic traffic of Freetown, a few insects, the very bad road to Liberia that make you feel quite insecure about your GPS and maps, plenty of curious kids, and two apoto / pomui (white man) in between.

The country is having too much bad luck, with ebola striking in the middle of the recovery from a decade of civil war, which the cheerful and curious people do not deserve.

More details and stories on: freewheely.com/category/sierra-leone/

Places traveled in Sierra Leone:
Port-Loko, Lungi, Freetown, Waterloo, Masankay, Bo, Bandajuma, Tiwai Island, Potoru, Zimmi, Gohn.
