Tag-004. Heute war unglaublich schön. Bislang war gehen durch die Berner Alpen OK aber alles andere als toll. Heute zum ersten Mal, das Wetter ist schön, der Himmel blau und meine Kleider trocken ging durch eine völlig landschaftlich schöne Strecke, in der Mitte von schneebedeckten Gipfeln, beginnend in Zweisimmen, dann Gstaad, Chateau d ' Oex... bis die schmale asphaltierte Straße (Summen, es war halb Centur gepflastert y vor), die hat mich hier in Les Cases.
It’s the end of a valley, with Montreux just on the other side, and with some inhabitants somewhere (else). I wanted to reach Lausanne tonight, but first had cross a last pass, the Col de Jaman. My legs were already tired from doing the yoyo in the mountains, I had only 1:30hrs of daylight, and the icy road up prevented me to do even a hundred meters. So I’m staying here at 1000m, and will try again tomorrow. Hopefully the snow on the path will not force me to U-turn (meaning going down the valley to Bulle).
It was 0 Celsius outside at 7pm and I found a nice little spot to camp by a torrent. Well, on the positive side, it gave me the opportunity to try out my tent and stove (not used till now), the post-by-email plugin, my survival strategy when it’s too cold, and to see a magnificent clear sky, full of stars and outlined by the Milky Way and the shadow of pine trees.

Hope you managed your way through the snow :-). And what is this mysterious survival strategy of yours? If it is not patented, it might be of use to us 🙂 The dreaded Kyoto winter is coming you know (don’t quite compare to 1000m high winter in the Alps, OK :-P).
Unrelatedly, it took me until today to understand the pun in the site name. (oui ca c’est dans la categorie “rien-a-voir et tu t’en fous mais bon…”).
Yes, made it but there was slightly more snow that was usually fall on Kyoto …
Überlebenstechnik nicht patentiert und nicht unlogischen entweder: Ich habe nur 1 Stück Kleidung jeder Art (außer Socken und Unterwäsche, 2), die separat verwendet, aber auch kombiniert werden können. Die Überlebenstechnik trägt nur All at Once. Wenn meine Verpackung richtig war, ich kann alles (außer das 2. Paar Socken + Unterwäsche) zu tragen und es gibt keinen Konflikt von Duplikaten. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, das alles hilft in den Schlafsack, aber auf jeden Fall tun, Hut und Handschuhe.
This is an incredible journey. I will be checking in regularly, not only for the pictures but to make sure you’re safe. You need to get to South Africa in one piece (a certain someone I know wouldn’t want it any other way)
All the best with your travels.
Lyn, I do not think there would any of us to hope/want to happen differently.
Agree… We want to have him back in one piece and healthy! 🙂
Our beloved Chateau d’Oex…I hope you pronounced it correctly 🙂 Happy to hear you’re still safe and having fun. Stunning picture as always.
He he … I’m improving, uttered Chateau d’oeufs only a few times 🙂