Very close to the end, I reached yesterday my 26000th kilometer, in South Africa, in the hills of Namakwaland. The tough but scenic 90 km on gravel brought me for the last time of the journey over 1000m (in Leliefontein) in yet another fantastic day.
In the past weeks, I cycled through the Namibian exclusive diamond mining area until Lüderitz, a nice surprise in the desert. I’ve been underground in the zinc mine of Rosh Pinah, took an incredibly stunning road in the Ai-Ais national park along the Orange river, fetched my new passport in Windhoek, and crossed over to South Africa, the last country. I am now in Garies (Northern Cape).
I plan to follow the coastal fishing villages from now on, and unless the winds blow me back to Namibia, I will be in Cape Town next week.

Un grand Bravo !
Was nice meeting you and hope you enjoyed Lamberts bay. Good luck with the last stretch.
Yes it was nice! And the best is that I had mostly tailwind until CT, while it didn’t work that well for Amanda.
Good luck with last kilometers. Will be strange, finally finishing this mission. From time to time i had a look at your website, almost everytime i felt the need for a bicycle adventure rising up. My son is now walking on his own feet. When we met you in maroc, Almut was in the 6 th mth of pregnancy. You remember the road in the Anti Atlas, where I made you posing in front of your bike. It was a windy day, wind from front, rain on the pass shortly bevor the descend down towards the coast. I think I fed you with banana!
Good luck bro!
Bastian, Almut, Peter
Thanks! It’s now your turn to take the road 🙂
La dernière ligne droite ( la plus difficile) ,départ le 4 novembre ,arrivée le 4 septembre!! et 27 000 kms tout rond ! la télé sera présente pour ton arrivée ? Bravo, dommage que cela se termine car deux ou trois fois par semaine , je voyageais avec toi , tes images , tes anecdotes, tes doutes, tes aventures et tu n’as certainement pas tout raconté .. ce sera pour le livre peut être .
J’ai cru que tu t’étais arrêté en Namibie…
Hé he … j’aurais pu 🙂 Le blog s’est y arrêté, mais ca reprend!
Congrats to have reached that far already and good luck for the last stretch!
You’ve (almost) made it 🙂
Incredible JB!! :-*