Cyril joined me in Brassac yesterday and we are going together across the Pyrénées mountain range until Spain. We did pretty well in cycling away from the rain until noon, where go we got hit by the snow in the descent from the Montagne Noire , at the border between Tarn and Aude.
Luckily in the evening, we saw again the blue sky and we are now hosted in an old cold-storage room (open, so no more colder than the ambient temperature, of … 5°C anyway) of a farmer near Montréal, just below the Canal du Midi.

We made another feast of local cheese and sausages, completed with banana in melted chocolate for dinner!

mmmh, des bananes au chocolat, mon dessert de camping préféré ! D’habitude, je dépose au bord du feu une banade fendue dans sa peau avec du choc dedans…mais ta recette à l’air pas mal non plus ! La neige est de retour en Suisse en aussi. En montagne tout est beau blanc et demain, neige en plaine. Mais toi, t’es au Sud, non ? A croire que t’attire la neige, si ça se trouve, elle te suivra au Sahara…
Non merci, j’en ai bien assez la. A moins que j’échange le velo contre un snowboard. Reste juste a savoir ou fixer les panniers.
Seems as if you were missing Switzerland if you are having Schoggifondue! 😉 keeping on reading your updates on Pyrenees! 🙂
And since when melting chocolate in a pot has anything to do with switzerland? There’s already too many people thinking that fondue and raclette are swiss things 🙂 Chocolate is like cheese and anything else, materials to be burnt during the pass ascents!