Today was my first day on the road. It was good to finally leave after spending the last days worrying about what is not yet happening. The self-confidence came back while cycling. And especially when taking a turn and noticing the snowy peaks in the background.

I left Adam in Altstetten and followed the Road 84 of SchweizMobil that took me out of Zürich easily and without cars. It’s a luxury to have a path across the cantons, paved almost all the way, just for bikes and pedestrians.

My vision, which had recently decreased to -0.75 per eye, is still not good enough to read road signs from far away. I hope that being away from computers most of the day will help to recover some vision during the trip.

The weather was better than the forecast, I even had blue sky in the beginning. It ended with a light rain and the night coming before 17:00. With such an early sunset, it won’t leave me much time to cycle …
I joined みとり in Luzern for dinner and she prepared omamoris for my bike. It is now protected against the potential dangers of the road!
yeeeeeeeees ! Alors ça roule ? Contente de voir que tu as pu partir comme prévu…malgré les derniers imprévus. Je me réjouis de t’accueillir tout bientôt !
Je te souhaite bonne route, bons cols, et pas trop de neige ces prochains jours ;P
Sms-moi quand tu as une idées de tes prochaines étapes…Et bon courage !